Page 16 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 16

1         CEO’S REVIEW
                  OF THE YEAR


                                                   STEVE BROWN


              I was appointed RFU Chief Executive   For current planning purposes, we have   position, robust contracted revenues
              Officer in September 2017 and,   needed to face up to four key challenges   and a good balance sheet.  But we need
              alongside our Board and Executive team,   to our income not encountered in recent   to plan more prudently, given the recent
              began a long-term strategic assessment   years:                rise in our fixed cost base, driven largely
              of our organisation and the environment                        by the Professional Game Agreement
              in which it operates. This exercise was   An unprecedented period of growth   (PGA) and Elite Playing Squad (EPS)
              essential to ensure the deliverability of   and investment into rugby over the   fees, which were negotiated when our
              our newly unveiled four-year Strategic   past seven years is now followed by   revenue outlook was more optimistic,
              Plan at the start of the season, against a   growing uncertainty in both the UK   and by stadium depreciation.
              backdrop of a rapidly changing sporting   sports market and the wider economic
              landscape.                       environment. This means that our   As a result, rugby investment is likely
                                               assumptions about future revenue   to come down from the over £100m
              Looking back, 2017/18 clearly marks   must be re-set from 2018/19 onwards.   averaged over the past three years
              a transition point for the Union as it                         to around £95m per year, still a very
              moves from a period of high growth   Our four-year cyclical business faces   substantial sum, but one we need to
              and investment in the game to a more   the impact of a ‘normal’ Rugby World   adjust to in 2019/20 and beyond.
              challenging time.                Cup Year loss in 2019/20 for the first
                                               time in eight years, given that the 2015   During the period under review we
              Our levels of investment into rugby   home Rugby World Cup delivered   reduced overheads by £1.1m, with a
              of £107.7m, which was £8.1m, or 8%   circa £30 million profit and World Cup   further focus on efficiency in June
              more than in 2016/17, was made in   years are normally loss making as we   2018 leading to a consultation process
              the knowledge that we had a planned   do not have our Twickenham autumn   with our staff as part of the 2018/19
              major exceptional cash gain of £31.6m,   internationals.       business planning process. As a result,
              resulting from a restructuring of                              62 roles were made redundant across the
              the RFU’s holding in Twickenham   The recent one-time major income   organisation although, with the creation
              Experience Limited.              boosts - including the profits from   of some new roles as part of the process,
                                               hosting RWC2015 in England - are no   54 people actually left the RFU. While
              However, because this cash gain cannot,   longer on the horizon.  this was not an easy decision to make,
              for accounting purposes, be recognised                         it was however necessary to ensure the
              in the Profit and Loss (P&L) account but   Our contracted investment in the   financial stability of the Union going
              appears instead in the Profit and Loss   professional game has increased in   forward in more challenging times.
              reserve, our figures show a loss for the   recent years. Success at elite level, in
              year of £30.9m. In essence, the Profit and   particular the success of the senior   Tough decisions have had to be made
              Loss account shows all of our outgoing   England men’s team, drives our   but we have an ambitious strategy,
              investment as expenditure but none of   business model and provides the   including some exciting initiatives for
              the £31.6m of incoming cash from the   funding for community rugby, so it   the community game, and a World Cup
              exceptional cash gain.           is essential that we keep our England   in Japan in a year’s time which we aim
                                               teams winning and Twickenham   to win.
              The decision was made to invest that   Stadium in good repair. This translates
              cash back into the game because we   into significant committed investment   In 2017/18, our income was impacted by
              always plan to invest as much as we can   which reduces the amount of   our fifth place in the Six Nations and the
              into the game from all of the income   discretionary spend at our disposal.  costs of the redundancy programme in
              we generate, while building healthy,                           the year. As a consequence, our overall
              appropriate reserves for the future, and   We have capital employed of   business plan financial targets were
              as a result, the RFU remains on a sound   nearly £195m, we own our key   not hit, meaning that the executive and
              financial footing, with our commitment   asset, Twickenham Stadium, and   employee bonuses were not paid out.
              to ensuring that rugby flourishes in   we have completed the East Stand   Full details of our financial performance
              England as strong as ever.      redevelopment, which will protect our   are outlined in the financial statements
                                              future revenue.  We have a healthy cash   in this report.

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