Page 21 - RFU Annual Report 2018
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GROW (CONTINUED) programme to over 2,500 young The 2017/18 season brought notable
people volunteering across the game. commercial partner activation in O2’s
And, in addition to our 14 University And NatWest RugbyForce remains Red Rose TV advertising, the first such
Partners, we are rolling out a network a key volunteer event with over 500 campaign for England Women, and
of RFU joint funded personnel in the registering to take part, 285 attending Tyrrells TV advertising featuring the
university sector. Nine clusters are up workshops, and six clubs receiving a Red Roses and Tyrrells Premier 15s,
and running targeting those who may support package and grant of £5,000. backed up on millions of bags of crisps
previously have left the game. Over in supermarkets around the country.
7,000 university students and graduates With qualified coaches fundamental Guinness’ enhanced investment in the
have been helped to find rugby after to players’ enjoyment of rugby, 18 West Fan Village brought a new Surge
university and the profile and standard Game Changer coaching videos have Bar and performance stage.
of BUCS Super Rugby has further been viewed on average 80,000 times
improved. There are also 21 Focus per video and digital learning now And the Mitsubishi Motors Volunteers
Colleges strengthening rugby in their complements face to face coaching Recognition Programme saw 42
institutions and driving transition of programmes. dealers stage events, and over 1,400
players into local clubs. A review of the nominations for a Twickenham awards
competitive playing opportunities in Our ‘Facebook Live’ events featured ceremony for the top 100 volunteers.
the sector is underway in partnership Eddie Jones, and we are also working to The programme was also nominated for
with ECRFU and AoC Sport to meet the increase the number of female coaches Community Programme of the Year in
needs of all levels of college players. and referees. the Sports Industry Awards.
Work to strengthen our clubs and their The England Rugby Referees All of this helps our investment in the
facilities has seen Association now has over 7,000 game, a key part of which has been in
members with whom we communicate our artificial grass pitches which are
£1m invested in 23 club projects, regularly and training courses saw improving the playing experience and
which once again brought strong attendances with over 24,000 in limiting cancellations in bad weather.
healthy partnership funding, our first three quarters. By September and the start of the new
reaching £3.5m. season we had 23 rugby 365 AGPs, three
To grow the game in England our under construction and a further 12
The Rugby Football Foundation made partners’ investment is invaluable and planned for delivery for the summer
smaller grants and loans to over 100 support continues to be innovative and of 2019.
clubs, while the Rugby Groundsman varied, benefitting the wider game.
Connected online community now has With a recorded footfall of over 100,000
over 1,100 members. The Rugby Energy In a challenging market which saw this season, this breaks down as 40%
Club won the inaugural Sports Industry leading rights holders lose partners senior players, 40% Age Grade players
Award for Sustainability Initiative of the over the year, the RFU commercial and 20% Quilter Kids First players. More
Year and continues to provide low cost partnerships programme has performed than 2,000 games were recorded and we
options for clubs to use less energy and well, with both Guinness and NatWest also launched our fully accredited AGP
save money. extending with new four- year apprenticeship programme. Recent AGP
agreements and Greene King IPA Coaching & Refereeing Masterclasses
Investment in volunteer leadership signing up for a further three seasons as on six of the newly commissioned AGPs
support has seen the Leadership title partners of the Championship. involved our professional referees and
Academy welcoming its 1,000th members of the England coaching team.
candidate. Our technical advice on We saw two new brands join: Virgin
governance and tax provided both Active with a ground-breaking digitally After a successful three-year AGP
reassurance and tangible outcomes led partnership and Tyrrells as the first programme, we will be sensibly pausing
with over £1m saved in VAT across the title sponsor of the women’s Premier 15s and undertaking a strategic review of
community game. The CB Leaders competition. all areas of the AGP operations this
Conference brought 100 delegates year before investing any more capital
together to align their work to the RFU beyond the commitments made for the
Strategic Plan, continue succession coming season. This will not affect host
planning and strengthen work with clubs with facilities already opened, nor
clubs. facilities confirmed for construction in
Phase 2 or 3, where pitches are not due
Young Match Officials helped to to be completed until summer 2019.
swell the Young Rugby Ambassador