Page 22 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 22

2          CEO’S REVIEW
                  OF THE YEAR


                  ENGAGE                          levels, enabling all hospitality to be   For the coming season there are a few
                                                  accommodated within the stadium in   changes to ticketing at Twickenham.
                  The Engage Strategic Priority means   an environment celebrating the unique   We have reduced the number of price
                  engaging and inspiring new audiences,   aspects of the Home of England Rugby.  categories from seven to five and there
                  while developing deeper relationships                          has been an increase in ticket prices
                  with those already involved in the game.  The East Stand work continued   for the first time since 2016. The RFU
                                                  without impacting matches      has also abolished ticket processing
                  The Game of our Lives campaign kicked   and opens for the 2018 Quilter   and credit card fees. Thousands of
                  off for both professional and grassroots   international matches. The   discounted child tickets will be available
                  rugby to unite everyone involved in   Stand is designed to bring more   to clubs during the autumn’s Quilter
                  the sport by celebrating the people and   corporate hospitality in house   Internationals, including the New
                  stories that make up the game.  and maximise income for us to   Zealand match and for the Italy match
                                                  spend on rugby                 in the Six Nations. We also continue
                  We continued to consult with those                             to offer the Constituent Bodies the
                  involved in rugby whatever their role   rather than seeing significant hospitality   opportunity to reward 16-24 year olds
                  and our National Rugby Survey brought   profits taken away from the game. The   who have returned to play rugby
                  14,000 responses, helping to inform the   budget to build the East Stand has   during the season with a free trip to
                  business and plan appropriately for the   increased significantly, from an original   Twickenham to watch the Quilter Cup
                  game.                           plan of £53.5 million, to around £80   match against the Barbarians in
                                                  million,  largely as a result of significant   June 2019.
                  Throughout the season the digital   and urgent changes made to fire safety
                  fan base continued to grow our reach   regulations following the Grenfell   It was a busy season for Rugby Events,
                  and engagement, and we launched   Tower tragedy plus additional counter   with delivery beginning with the Rugby
                  new websites for the Greene King   terrorism requirements requiring   Europe Grand Prix 7s Series, Mitsubishi
                  Championship and Tyrrells Premier 15s.   significant redesign of the building   Motors and Exeter 7s, and concluding
                  We live streamed almost 50 games of   during construction. The Health and   with the summer’s HSBC London
                  rugby from all levels, including 10 from   Safety of our fans is always  our top   Sevens, when approaching 100,000 fans
                  the Greene King Championship and 10   priority and these additional regulatory   attended over the weekend.
                  from the Tyrrells Premier 15s. Across   requirements were accepted without
                  social media, we grew England Rugby   question.                2017/18 saw Bristol secure promotion
                  channels by over 10% with Instagram                            from the Greene King IPA
                  proving a key highlight, showing   It is important, however, to remember   Championship in the first season
                  audience growth of 15% across the   that the new East Stand will still pay for   without play-offs, and at the other end
                  season.                         itself fully within seven years, and the   of the table, Rotherham were relegated.
                                                  incremental ongoing profits generated   Over 250,000 spectators enjoyed
                  Our CRM system now operates     from the hospitality provided within it,   Championship rugby this season, with
                  as a central part of our marketing.    will all be invested back into rugby.  the milestone of two million supporters
                  Our data and technology allow us                               attending Championship matches
                  to deliver timely and personalised   The stadium welcomed over 1.1 million   reached.
                  communications to stakeholders,   fans to watch outstanding sport and
                  participants and customers. Digital   music during the year. Twickenham   PROTECT
                  engagement continues to increase and   once again showed its versatility as a
                  bring commercial benefits, including our   world-class venue for sport and major   Our Protect priority means protecting
                  First XV membership reaching capacity   events with five England matches sold   everything that makes rugby in England
                  for the second consecutive season   out. Twickenham continues to power   so special: protecting our players, clubs,
                  and selling over 50,000 tickets to the   our investment in the game based   the spirit and values of the game and the
                  November internationals.        on consistently selling out our home
                                                  internationals.                game’s international development.
                  At Twickenham Stadium, England                                 I am proud to report that during the year
                  Rugby Hospitality was launched in a                            the RFU was recognised as Governing
                  joint venture with Compass Group as                            Body of the Year in the prestigious
                  exclusive provider of official match day                       Sports Industry Awards.
                  hospitality, and work continued on the
                  East Stand to build on our high-quality                        Player welfare continues to be a priority,
                  hospitality and to add variety to attract                      with more than 50,000 completions of
                  new audiences.                                                 the online Headcase training since its
                  Redevelopment of Twickenham                                    launch in 2016 and 24,000 since last July.
                  Stadium’s East Stand created an
                  additional 11,600 sq m over six

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