Page 26 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 26



                                                       SUE DAY


              I am delighted to have joined the RFU   The balance sheet of the Group remains   Sponsorship revenue is in line with the
              at such an important time. I have been   strong, with capital employed totalling   prior year, reducing by £0.1m (0.5%),
              involved in rugby for over 25 years and   £194.4m. The reduction in capital   from £29.4m to £29.3m. O2 renewed their
              am passionate about playing my part   employed of £20.8m reflects the increase   sponsorship agreement for a further four
              in making sure that as many people   in the contractual obligation to buy back   years and Secure Trading were signed as
              as possible across England are able to   the Compass shareholding in TEL in   sponsors of the men’s sevens side.
              benefit from the opportunities that our   2028 following the revised agreement
              great game can offer.  Crucial to that is   entered into during the year (described   Hospitality and catering income
              making sure that our finances are well   in more detail below and in note 3).  increased by £0.7m (1.7%), from £40.5m
              managed and remain on a firm footing.                          to £41.2m, despite fewer Twickenham
                                              The RFU has enjoyed unprecedented   internationals in 2017/18, reflecting a
              The loss for this year was £30.9m   revenue growth over the last eight years   strong calendar of non-RFU events.
              after a record investment of £107.7m   or so, which has enabled record levels of
              in the game.  This level of investment   investment in rugby. However, looking   Merchandising and licensing revenue
              was made possible by an exceptional   to the future we know now that the   reduced in year decreasing £2.5m
              cash gain of £31.6m on the purchase   financial outlook will be tougher.  There   (36%) from £7.0m to £4.5m, mainly
              and resale of TEL shares to Compass   will be less money to spend both on   driven by the outsourcing of the retail
              Group.  Due to the fact that this was a   running the business and on investing   operation to Fanatics. As a result, the
              transaction in shares of a subsidiary,   in rugby. In order to make sure that   RFU now receives a guaranteed fee on
              this gain is recorded through the P&L   RFU finances remain robust, a series of   merchandise sold.  The outsourcing
              reserve which increased by £6.6m during   financial metrics are being introduced   has increased the profits received by
              the year to £25.1m.             against which spending and investment   the RFU from the retailing of RFU
                                              decisions will be made. These will   merchandise.
              Revenues were, as expected, lower   ensure that the RFU invests its money
              year-on-year at £172.4m driven largely   where it can achieve the greatest rugby   Travel commission earned by our
              by the impact on ticket and broadcast   and financial returns and that it keeps   subsidiary travel business, England
              revenues of fewer home matches at   in reserve enough funds to cover   Rugby Travel Limited (ERT), increased
              Twickenham.  As a result, profit before   unforeseen events that could impact on    from £0.7m to £0.8m.
              rugby investment reduced 11% year-on-  financial performance.
              year to £83.3m.                                                Revenue from the London Marriott
                                              Revenue                        Hotel Twickenham in the South Stand
              Rugby investment for the year totalled   Ticket revenues decreased £8.0m (21%)   remained level with last year at £6.2m.
              £107.7m and was split between   from £37.9m to £29.9m, due to the
              professional rugby at £70.7m and rugby   staging of three Old Mutual Wealth   Health and Leisure revenue from the
              development at £37.0m.          Internationals against Argentina,   South Stand’s Virgin Active Classic
                                              Australia and Samoa and two home   Health Club was also level year on year
              In order to fund the development of the   Six Nations matches against Wales   at £3.7m, despite increasing competition
              East Stand and the roll out of the AGP   and Ireland, compared to 2016/17 when   in the gym market.
              pitches, new facilities totalling £100m   there were four Old Mutual Wealth
              were put in place in November 2017.   At   Internationals and three home Six   Other revenue comprises stadium rental
              30th June 2018, borrowing was £45m   Nations matches.          income, revenue from hosting non-
              (compared with borrowing of £35m at                            RFU events, income from Government
              last year-end). Net cash flow was neutral   Broadcasting revenue decreased by   and other public bodies, and other
              as the £30.9m operational loss was offset   £4.1m (9%), from £45.3m to £41.2m,   miscellaneous categories.
              by the cash gain on the TEL transaction.  primarily due to one fewer Old Mutual
                                              Wealth International and a fifth placing
                                              in the Six Nations.

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