Page 30 - RFU Annual Report 2018
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RISK MANAGEMENT Increasing competition from other player safety and wellbeing programmes
Active risk management is essential for forms of leisure activity, and a new across the game, as well as injury and
the RFU to operate successfully. The generation of consumers who have illness prevention initiatives.
RFU monitors, and as far as possible, different expectations and are driven by
works to minimise in a structured and technology, present potential risks to These programmes include Activate,
proactive manner, key risks which could our participation levels and commercial RugbySafe and Headcase. The RFU-led
have a significant adverse impact on revenue. Pre-Hospital Immediate Care in Sport
performance both on and off the field. Programme is regarded as an exemplar
To appeal to this new player and in its field.
The key risks are reviewed regularly by fan base, the RFU is also providing
the Board to ensure that existing risks opportunities to play alternative forms The RFU commissions independent
are being managed effectively and any of the game, such as touch and sevens. research into the injury risk across the
new or emerging risks are identified, This enables people to play in different game. These projects, the Professional
while the wider Executive Team reviews places, at a wider variety of times and Rugby Injury Surveillance Project
both strategic and operational risks to choose the type of rugby that most (PRISP), Community Rugby Injury
on a monthly basis. Controls and appeals to them (for example contact Surveillance Project (CRISP) and the
action plans to mitigate risks are also versus non-contact). Technology is Women’s Rugby Injury Surveillance
monitored on an ongoing basis by the supporting this strategy through Player Project (WRISP) provide the RFU with
RFU Audit Committee. More detail on Tracking, which is engaging players detailed information on the nature
the key risks is set out below. through new content, delivered digitally. and risk factors for injury and illness
The development of a new stadium app that informs the evaluation of risk and
Grassroots participation for supporters visiting Twickenham, the development of evidence-based
Growing the community game at all introducing online registration and programmes to mitigate risk across the
levels, both men’s and women’s and rolling out WiFi in clubs are examples of game. The 2018/19 Championship Cup
across all age grades, is critical for other initiatives to meet the needs of a tackle height trial is an example of this
the future success of rugby, from a new generation of players. approach.
commercial perspective, in order to
develop the elite players of the future, The RFU is also committed to making The RFU works closely with World
and in order to make sure that as rugby as inclusive as possible and has Rugby and in the past year played a
many people as possible benefit from put together a taskforce to create an leading role in defining an international
involvement in the game of rugby. action plan to make the game more rugby calendar to enable better
attractive to a broader cross section of management of the country’s top
One of the key threats to participation people. This will report to Council for players.
is the lack of availability of pitches for the first time in autumn 2018.
teams to play on. This is particularly In the thankfully rare incidents of
acute during periods of bad weather Following the recent changes in field catastrophic injury, the RFU Injured
as, when clubs need multiple teams personnel, the RFU is committed to Players Foundation provides immediate
to play on a single pitch in the course ensuring investment in the community and lifetime support to players and
of a weekend, pitches can quickly game remains significant, in order to their families with the aim of getting
become unplayable. This threatens sustain and grow the game. Rugby the injured player to lead as full and
the development and availability of the Development remains the largest independent a life as possible.
game at grassroots level. Consequently, workforce in the RFU, with c.225
in addition to other participation employees across the country. The RFU is committed to safeguarding
projects, the RFU is investing in the welfare of children in the sport.
Artificial Grass Pitches (AGPs). These Player welfare All children are entitled to protection
supplement natural turf pitches and Player welfare is fundamental and from harm and have the right to take
provide playing, training and education at the heart of the training delivered part in sport in a safe, positive and
facilities with a consistent surface on to coaches, referees and medics, at enjoyable environment. The new
which to play throughout the year. By all levels of the game. Rugby union Statutory Guidance ‘Working Together
the end of 2018/19 there will be 38 RFU involves physical contact, and any sport to Safeguard Children (2018)’ makes
AGPs with at least one pitch in each CB or physical activity has inherent risk. clear that sports clubs and governing
by October 2019. A growing and diverse Understanding, communicating and bodies have a significant responsibility
rugby membership requires an upgrade managing this risk is critical for both to safeguard children and vulnerable
in facilities and many clubs have been player welfare and for the reputation of adults. The RFU’s Safeguarding Policy
awarded smaller grants and loans to the game. sets out the roles and responsibilities of
improve. Changes to benefit women RFU staff, clubs and constituent bodies
players have become a key area of focus The RFU is committed to protecting to ensure this is done correctly. These
for such awards. players and has successfully meet the NSPCC Child Protection in
implemented a range of evidence-based Sport’s National Advanced Standards
and are audited each year.