Page 32 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 32

3          CORPORATE


              Community relations             Try for Change                 All Try for Change projects
              The RFU is proud of its long heritage in   The RFU’s charity and CSR Programme   are supported throughout the
              Twickenham, and of partnerships with   has been focused around Try for   implementation and delivery of their
              many local organisations in Richmond   Change, which works to use rugby   programmes and so far have had over
              and Hounslow boroughs.          and its values to improve the lives   4,000 beneficiaries across four main
                                              of disadvantaged and marginalised   social outcomes: increased community
              Twickenham Stadium contributes   people in England and across the   cohesion, increased employability,
              around £3m annually in local business   world.  England Rugby works in   improving mental and physical health,
              rates to Richmond Council  and   partnership with Comic Relief to deliver   and reduction in gangs and re-offending.
              generates £96m economic activity in   grants through Try for Change to
              the borough yearly, equating to around   ensure that the money raised through   RFU Giving
              £1,200 per household towards local   rugby fans and the rugby family is   The RFU supports a number of other
              services (EY 2015 report). Around 2,500   invested in sustainable and impactful   charities and initiatives primarily
              to 3,000 match day jobs are created,   projects supporting individuals and   through the donation of  international
              which sees the RFU working closely   communities that need it most. As part   match tickets, signed items and gifts for
              with partners to recruit locally.   of this partnership, England Rugby   fundraising appeals. The RFU receives
                                              was a primary partner of the 2018 Sport   hundreds of worthy applications and is
              Collaborating with local organisations,   Relief Campaign which saw the Union’s   delighted to have been able to support
              the RFU supports their work in the   Patron, players and the whole rugby   over 65 charities over a 12 month period
              area.  These partnerships include   community getting behind ambitions   through RFU Giving.
              community centres, such as the Whitton   to raise as much money as possible
              Community Centre, Whitton Youth   to invest in rugby for social change   The RFU Injured Players
              Zone and Bridgelink; local schools and   projects.             Foundation (IPF)
              support for the Borough Sports, work                           The IPF supports catastrophically
              experience and specialist workshops.   In January 2018 Try for Change made   injured players, their families, friends
              There is also support for the emergency   six grants of up to £100,000 each to   and clubs immediately after injury and
              services, including the police cadets and   support charities, community groups   for the rest of their lives.
              fire brigade, and numerous music and   and grassroots rugby clubs in England
              drama groups, who receive free rooms at   improving lives through rugby. The   Support for the IPF clients’ welfare and
              the stadium as part of the Community   projects joined the Try for Change   wellbeing includes everything from
              Space Programme.                portfolio alongside 11 that received a   rehabilitation and financial support
                                              small grant in the first round of funding.   to specialist equipment and housing
              Highlights from the past year include   The projects awarded a large grant   adaptations. The Engage Programme
              supporting the provision of an outdoor   included: International Mixed Ability   then aims to encourage clients to
              classroom, rebuilding a play house   Sports introducing mixed ability rugby   get socially and physically engaged
              at Marble Hill, gardening projects   to 20 rugby clubs in Yorkshire and the   in activities which build confidence
              in Murray Park and at the Youth   Midlands; Manchester Metropolitan   and remove barriers to achieving
              Zone, amateur dramatics at Ormond   University’s Kicking Crime into   their aspirations. Working with other
              Opera, school proms, stadium tours   Touch  engaging young people in the   charity partners, the IPF uses activities
              for community groups, IT equipment   criminal justice system from Trafford,   from sailing on tall ships to shooting
              for community learning, alley gates to   Salford and Manchester in the criminal   or skiing courses. The charity also
              improve resident security and financial   justice system; The National Literacy   uses its Pathways Programme to
              support for local fairs, festivals and   Trust – Rugby Reading Champions   help clients assess and determine
              Christmas lights.               literacy programme delivered by   their vocational objectives, whether
                                              rugby coaches for children aged 9-13;   working towards entering or returning
              Efforts are also being made to ensure   Sharks Community Trust – Team Talk   to work or education, and includes
              that the economic benefit of the stadium   using rugby to tackle loneliness, social   specialist coaching and advice, through
              is fully exploited by local businesses,   isolation and dementia among people   to practical support with university
              with proactive collaboration with shops   aged 60 plus; Stonewall working with   degrees, training or apprenticeships.
              and businesses, and work with local   coaches, players and fans to create
              councils and tourism authorities to   LGBT-inclusive environments at
              encourage longer visits to the area. This   England’s grassroots clubs; and Street
              began with help to fund the new Eel Pie   League increasing opportunities
              Museum in Twickenham, tying in with   for unemployed young people from
              hosting the Rolling Stones, a band with   disadvantaged communities in
              close connections to the area.   London to progress into sustainable
                                              employment, education and training.

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