Page 37 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 37
RFU structure The RFU Council has a dual role of
The RFU is unique among national driving policy relating to the game and
governing bodies as having a co- monitoring and oversight of the Board,
operative structure. Rather than being which it fulfils on behalf of the RFU’s
a company, it is a society registered members.
under the Co-operative and Community
Benefit Societies Act, meaning that it The Council is made up of
is a members’ organisation. The one representatives elected by member clubs
member, one vote principle is enshrined (largely on a geographic basis through
in the RFU’s Rules, its constitutional Constituent Bodies), those appointed by
document. The membership is the national representative bodies (such
predominantly rugby clubs, both as Premier Rugby or the Rugby Players’
professional and amateur. Association), and some ex officio and
co-opted members.
The Board has the ultimate
responsibility for the day to day running While executive authority sits primarily
of the RFU, and has the authority to with the Board, the Council also has
exercise all executive functions other a number of specific reserved powers
than clearly specified powers which are which include: deciding regulations
reserved to Council or the members. on the playing and governance of the
game and criteria for membership of
The Board is designed to be a the RFU; appointing and removing a
combination of representatives of the number of Board directors and members
game, together with executive staff and of committees and sub-committees
independent non-executive directors. etc; setting the date, time and agenda
Directors are appointed through a of General Meetings; the ability to call
rigorous skills-based selection process a Special General Meeting; co-option
to ensure the right combination of skills, onto Council; deciding the policy for
experience and knowledge. With the international tickets distribution.
exception of executive staff, all Board
members are subject to limits on the
time they can serve on the Board as set THE BOARD HAS
out in the RFU’s Rules. THE ULTIMATE
The Board has a number of committees
responsible for different areas of its RESPONSIBILITY
operation, most notably the Community
Game Board, the Professional Game FOR THE DAY TO DAY
Board and the Governance Standing
Committee. The Board is also served by RUNNING OF THE RFU
an Audit Committee, a Remuneration
Committee and a Nomination