Page 36 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 36
Going concern Employment
In adopting the going concern basis for At 30 September, the RFU has a full
preparing the Financial Statements, the and part-time permanent staff of 558.
Directors have considered the business Joint venture company Twickenham
activities of the Group as described Experience Limited employs around
in the Strategic Report as well as its 2,500 staff for bars and hospitality suites
principal risks and uncertainties, also on major match days, and offers 37,500
included in the Strategic Report and single working days across the stadium’s
as set out on pages 28 and 29. Based conferences and events.
on the Group’s cash flow forecasts and
projections and sensitivity analysis Employee consultation
carried out on those projections, the As part of the 2018/19 business
Board is satisfied that the Group will planning process, the RFU entered
have sufficient cash to continue its into a collective consultation with
operations for the foreseeable future. elected employee representatives from
For this reason the Board considers each business area about proposed
it appropriate for the Group to adopt redundancies, and options to reduce
the going concern basis in preparing the numbers affected or lessening the
its Financial Statements. See note 22 impact. Subsequently, they consulted
to the Financial Statements for more with employees selected for redundancy
information on the Group’s borrowing on an individual basis. The consultation
and facilities. with employees concluded with 62 roles
being made redundant and 54 staff
Further details regarding the adoption leaving the organisation.
of the going concern basis can be found
in note 2(b) in the Accounting Policies Employee surveys are carried out every
section of the notes to the Financial two years and the last survey was in
Statements. 2017. That survey showed that 91% of
staff were proud to work for the RFU.
Equality Feedback from the process was used in
The RFU promotes equal opportunities finalising the Strategic Plan.
in employment and aims to ensure
that everyone has the opportunity to ‘RFU Live’ all staff briefings were held
be involved in rugby union in England, three times during the year. These
regardless of age, gender, gender give everyone working for the RFU
reassignment, sexual orientation, marital the opportunity to hear from the RFU
status, race, nationality, ethnic origin, leadership team about progress on
religion or belief, ability or disability. the organisation’s plans and to ask
The Union works to encourage the
involvement of everyone at all levels
of the game by addressing existing
inequalities, providing opportunities
where few exist, and improving lives
through rugby.