Page 38 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 38
JEFF Jeff Blackett stepped down from the Board at member of the Board of Directors for a three-
BLACKETT of the Professional Game Board completed. US Portsmouth, London University, the Royal
the end of July 2018 when his term as Chairman
year term from the 2014 AGM. Jeff played for
He has subsequently been elected as RFU
Navy and Hampshire, and is president of US
Junior Vice President. He joined the Council
Navy Rugby Union. A Senior Circuit Judge
in 2000 as Royal Navy representative and Portsmouth RFC and a life member of the Royal
served as Honorary Disciplinary Officer for and Deputy High Court Judge, he is the Armed
ten years. Co-opted without portfolio in 2013, Forces Judge Advocate General.
he became Chairman of Governance and a
ROB BRIERS Chairman of the Community Game Board, Rob Development Sub-Committee. Past President of
Lancashire County, he played for West Park St
Briers is one of Lancashire’s representatives
on Council. A member of the Championship
North of England and England U23s. He is a
Committee and of the National Clubs Helens, Lancashire, North West Counties, the
Association Executive , Rob chaired the retired Chartered Secretary.
Competitions Sub-Committee and has served
on the Governance Committee and Player
STEVE BROWN Steve Brown was appointed RFU Chief Finance Director of global health care company
Executive on 1 September 2017 and has
Abbott, after covering a number of other senior
financial positions. He was previously the
subsequently been appointed Director on the
British & Irish Lions, Six Nations and Rugby
Finance for British Energy PLC and trained as
World Cup Limited Boards. Brown joined the Business Support Manager and Group Head of
RFU as Chief Financial Officer on June 10, 2011. an accountant in the National Health Service
He was Managing Director of England Rugby where he held a number of financial roles
2015, organising the 2015 Rugby World Cup including Audit Manager for a group of eight
which brought the highest annual turnover NHS Trusts. He is a Fellow of the Chartered
in the RFU’s history. Brown was formerly UK Association of Certified Accountants.
ANDY COSSLETT Andy Cosslett was elected Chairman of the years, and is Vice President of Weybridge
Rugby Football Union Board in October 2016,
Vandals. His 30 year global business experience
has seen him hold CEO roles at Fitness First
replacing Bill Beaumont who became Chairman
of World Rugby. Cosslett previously held an
spent 14 years with Cadbury Schweppes in a
Independent Non-Executive Director role on
the RFU Board and, as Chairman of England and InterContinental Hotels Group. He also
variety of senior roles around the world. He
Rugby 2015, oversaw the delivery of the biggest has been Chairman of Kingfisher plc since
Rugby World Cup in history. He has a lifelong June 2017.
association with rugby, having played for 25
CHRIS Middlesex representative on the Council Chris launched the Middlesex Merit Table to
CUTHBERTSON Committee until 31 July. He is a member of ladies team as Manager and Assistant Coach.
since 2003, Chris Cuthbertson is Chairman
promote competitive rugby for the county’s
of Governance and also chaired the Laws Sub
lower sides, and helped relaunch the county’s
He is the long-term Secretary of Hammersmith
the Remuneration Committee. He is a Vice
President of Middlesex and a member of their
Management Committee. & Fulham RFC, where he helped to launch their
women’s and youth sections.