Page 31 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 31

                                                                                    MAJOR RISKS AND


              Governance and integrity        improve the quality of experience for   sure that covenants can be achieved
              Strong governance procedures within   guests and improve crowd flows.  in the event of financial performance
              the game are crucial to maintaining the   The RFU also continues to diversify   falling below expectations, and to enable
              integrity of the sport in England, as well   revenues through opportunities to bring   timely remedial action if necessary.
              as the RFU’s reputation as the governing   other events, such as music concerts and   All covenants are expected to be
              body and the continuance of sponsors’   other sporting events, to the stadium.  achieved based on the Group’s current
              and other partners’ involvement.  A                            forecasts for the next five years.
              lack of governance would risk poor   England senior men’s XV
              operational, financial and strategic   performance             Cyber risk and data security
              decisions being made, impacting on the   Many of the revenue streams of the   There are a wide number of potential
              long term sustainability of the game as   RFU depend on the performance of the   cyber and data risks including, for
              a whole.                        men’s senior team and should the level   example, phishing emails introducing
                                              of performance of the team fall for an   viruses into the RFU IT systems and
              The proposed changes to RFU     extended period of time, it is possible   data breaches.  Extensive work has
              governance, outlined in the 2017 Annual   that this could affect revenues (tickets,   been carried out in the year to ensure
              Report, were implemented during the   broadcast, sponsorship) which are used   compliance with GDPR requirements
              year. They have improved the RFU’s   to reinvest in the game. The Board of   and more broadly to understand and
              governance, providing transparency   Directors and Professional Game Board   mitigate against a range of potential
              over the roles and responsibilities of   regularly review professional rugby   cyber risks.  Policies have been
              each body involved in the decision   strategies and financial performance to   implemented to enhance security
              making process, and ensuring that the   manage this risk; the Professional Game   protocols, including Data Protection and
              right decisions are made by the right   Agreement is in place to make sure that   Privacy Notices being refreshed and
              people.                         there is sufficient access to the players to   communicated to the organisation and
                                              be able to sustain performance.   wider game, mandatory introduction of
              Disciplinary, safeguarding and anti-                           GDPR training for all RFU employees
              doping frameworks are reviewed   Operating Twickenham Stadium  and network changes.
              regularly to ensure they remain robust   for matches and events
              and relevant.  Gambling and doping   Twickenham Stadium events form a   The RFU has a GDPR steering
              are critical risks to the integrity of   significant part of the Group’s revenues.   committee in place to ensure that
              the game and the RFU governs these   There is a risk that if the stadium is   it is complying with ever-evolving
              both by providing clear and regular   not operational, for example for health   requirements for data security.
              information to people within rugby   and safety reasons, those revenues will
              so that everyone understands their   be impacted. The RFU works closely   Interest and foreign exchange
              responsibilities, and by implementing   with all relevant authorities, including   rate risk
              disciplinary proceedings in all cases of   government and the local council, to   The RFU receives some of its income in
              non-compliance.                 manage this potential risk, and also has   Euros from the Six Nations broadcasting
                                              relevant insurance contracts in place to   and sponsorship agreements and so
              Strong and sustainable          insure against stadium related losses or   there is a risk that adverse exchange
              commercial assets               loss of revenue.               rates impact on that income. The
              The RFU’s ability to invest in rugby at                        adverse impact of currency fluctuations
              all levels relies on driving sustained   The RFU has a designated health and   is reduced by the use of participating
              value from all commercial assets. There   safety lead to ensure that the Group   forward contracts, purchased in line with
              is a risk that the revenues achieved   works at all times to improve the   the Group hedging policy.
              from those commercial assets reduces   environment safety and comply with
              and therefore that rugby investment is   regulations. The RFU is investing in this   Interest rate rises remain a risk for the
              reduced.  A strong men’s team and an   area; works currently being undertaken   Group in relation to the £50m term loan
              effective and operational Twickenham   include investment in Hostile Vehicle   and £25m revolving credit facility, which
              Stadium are both critical to those   Mitigation defences and an extended   have interest rates linked to LIBOR and
              revenues and are discussed further   and more secure perimeter fence.  the £25m overdraft facility which has an
              below.                                                         interest rate linked to base rate.
                                              Availability of borrowing for
              In order to mitigate revenue risk,   major capital projects    Customer or supplier
              the RFU concentrates on securing   The RFU has combined available   bankruptcy
              longer-term commercial contracts with   facilities of £100m.  The terms of   There is a risk that the bankruptcy of a
              sponsors and broadcasters to bring   borrowing on these facilities (see note   large customer or supplier could cause
              certainty around future revenues.  This   22) include certain financial covenants.   significant revenue or operational and
              year, the RFU has also invested heavily   The key risks related to this borrowing   project delivery issues. These issues
              in the East Stand, and as part of this   are the failure to meet those covenants   are mitigated by conducting due
              hospitality at Twickenham Stadium will   and potential interest rate rises.  diligence reviews during the negotiation
              be brought fully in house.                                     and procurement processes and by
                                              The risk around covenants is managed   reviewing the financial soundness of
              This will increase revenues generated   through downside modelling to make   principal suppliers on a regular basis.
              from matches at Twickenham, as well as

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