Page 27 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 27

                                                                                    FINANCIAL REVIEW


              Total other revenue increased by £1.4m,   Overhead expenses     Rugby development investment
              from £14.2m to £15.6m, primarily due to   Overhead expenses include all   Rugby development investment grew for
              additional World Rugby Development   administration and non-match day   the seventh consecutive year, increasing
              grant income.                   stadium costs. These decreased £1.1m   by £1.1m, from £35.9m to £37.0m.  A
                                              year-on-year, from £60.4m to £59.3m   breakdown of development investment
              Under the new Sports Governance   as there was a significant focus on   is as follows:
              Code, the RFU is now required to show   controlling and reducing overheads
              the income from public investors and   during the second half of 2017/18.    Development  2018  2017
              to clearly account for the expenditure   This decrease was achieved despite   investment  £m  £m
              of these funds.  The analysis and use of   an increase of £0.8m in depreciation
              Sport England funds received is shown   (to £16.1m) and a provision for staff   People and  11.8  11.8
              below.                          restructuring (£1.3m).  The depreciation   people related
                                  2018   2017  increase was mainly as a result of AGPs   operational
                                   £m     £m  brought into use during the year.  costs
              Total Sport          3.2    3.3  Profit before rugby investment  Depreciation       0.5    0.2
              England income                  Profit before rugby investment was   (mostly AGPs)
                                              down £10.3m (11%) to £83.3m.  Combined
              Related spend                   with the exceptional gain from the   Investment in  17.7   17.3
              Player retention     0.4    1.0  TEL transaction, this enabled rugby   programmes
              and transition                  investment of £107.7m.
                                                                              League funding,     7.0    6.6
              Broadening reach     0.5    0.2  Professional rugby investment  club insurance and IPF
                                              Professional rugby investment includes
              Touch and sevens     0.9    0.7  the costs of all England representative   Total   37.0   35.9
                                              teams, pathway programmes, the
              Women and girls/     1.4    1.4  support infrastructure, as well as
              talent development              professional club funding. Overall   Programme investment includes
                                              investment at £70.7m was up £7.0m,   programmes such as CBRE All Schools
              Total spend          3.2    3.3  which is due to the phasing of funding   and Project Rugby as well as investment
                                              as part of the Professional Game   in volunteer development, other
                                              Agreement. A breakdown of professional   club management and governance
              Cost of sales                   rugby investment is as follows:  programmes, and direct club and CB
              Cost of sales reduced £1.1m, from                               funding.
              £30.9m to £29.8m. As a result gross   Professional  2018   2017
              margin has been maintained at 83%,   investment     £m     £m   Interest payable and similar
              in line with 2016/17. The outsourcing                           charges
              of the retail operation means that this   Professional club  37.2  30.2  Interest payable and similar charges of
              margin would have been expected to   funding                    £2.2m includes the interest on drawn
              improve slightly.  However, this is offset                      down loan funds, implied interest on the
              by additional cost of sales in hospitality.   Player fees,  20.4  20.8  future contractual obligation payable
              Due to development, the East Stand was   England men’s 15s,     to Compass, a loss in the fair value of
              unavailable during the 2018 Six Nations   Women’s 15s, Sevens,  investment properties and net pension
              and so a temporary structure had to be   men’s and women’s      interest.
              built, at additional cost, for hospitality.    pathway

                                              Base, including people,  13.1  12.7
                                              operations and
                                              investment games
                                              Total              70.7    63.7

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