Page 25 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 25

                                                                                     FUTURE OUTLOOK


         DEVELOP THE PROFESSIONAL          Everything that the RFU spends is   The Financial position of the RFU is sound.
         GAME AND GROW RUGBY               invested into rugby, either directly into   We have a base line of contracted revenues
         ACROSS ENGLAND AT A TIME          the community and professional game, or   and an asset that continues to generate
         WHEN COMMUNITY PLAYERS’           indirectly through running Twickenham   excellent revenue streams. But changes
                                           Stadium and administering the game.
                                                                            need to be made so that we can achieve
         LIFESTYLES AND EXPECTATIONS       Some earnings are retained as reserves   operating profits more easily through the
         ARE CHANGING, INVESTING           to protect against any exceptional or   cycle and strong financial discipline will be
                                                                            required as we look to pay off our loan by
                                           unintended events.
         IN GRASSROOTS FACILITIES                                           the end of 2023.
         AND POPULAR NEW FORMATS           This proven approach and commitment
         INCLUDING O2 TOUCH.               will not change, but five major factors   There is much to look forward to in the
                                           impact discretionary spend going forward.  coming years, particularly with a Rugby
                                                                            World Cup one year away. However,
         OVER THE PAST EIGHT               A ‘normal’ World Cup             work to reduce expenditure will need to
                                           Our four-year cyclical business faces a
                                                                            continue in the near future.
         YEARS UNPRECEDENTED               Rugby World Cup Year loss in 2019/20
         INVESTMENT WAS MADE INTO          for the first time in eight years, with no   The RFU continues to prioritise direct
         BOTH THE PROFESSIONAL             Twickenham autumn internationals.   investment into the game. For the 2018/19
                                                                            financial year, this investment will be
         AND COMMUNITY GAME,               Market uncertainty               around £100m. Investment is likely to be
         STABILISING COMMUNITY             The Brexit effect and uncertainty in   c. £95m in the following year. The
                                                                            remaining costs predominantly include
                                           both the UK sports market and the
         GAME PARTICIPATION                wider economic environment, means   stadium costs (depreciation plus
         NUMBERS, INTRODUCING              we are projecting conservative revenue   maintenance and running costs), plus cost
         MORE FORMATS OF RUGBY             assumptions.                     of sale and the RFU’s corporate overhead,
                                                                            including staff, technology, marketing and
         AND DEVELOPING SUCCESSFUL         No one-time income gains         general administration which supports the
         ENGLAND  PLAYERS AND              Major income boosts, including profits   development of the game.
                                           from hosting RWC2015 in England, and
         ENGLAND TEAMS.                    exceptional income from restructuring our
                                           Twickenham Experience Joint Venture
         RFU FINANCES ARE ALWAYS           with Compass, are no longer anticipated..
         PLANNED OVER A FOUR-YEAR          Professional game
         RUGBY WORLD CUP CYCLE,            Contracted investment in the professional
                                           game has increased giving greater access
         ALLOWING FOR FLUCTUATIONS         to the best players in the Premiership
         IN REVENUE, DRIVEN BY THE         to drive enhanced performance of the
         NUMBER OF ENGLAND MEN’S           England team. The success of the senior
                                           England men’s team in particular, drives
         FIXTURES AT TWICKENHAM.           the business model and provides funding
         RUGBY INVESTMENT HAS MORE         for community rugby and other areas of
                                           professional rugby, like the women’s game
         THAN DOUBLED OVER THE LAST        and sevens.
         – FROM £179 MILLION IN THE        Twickenham Stadium
                                           In a crowded major venue market, it is
         CYCLE TO 07/08, TO OVER           essential to continue to invest to ensure
         £400M PLANNED IN THE CYCLE        that Twickenham, the asset which
                                           generates the vast majority of our revenue,
         TO 19/20.                         remains at the forefront of the sports and
                                           entertainment market.

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