Page 23 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 23

                                                                                        CEO’S REVIEW
                                                                                          OF THE YEAR


                                                                              Our charities, the Injured Players
                                                                              Foundation and Try for Change, are
                                                                              making a real difference and our new
                                                                              World Rugby Museum opened in the
                                                                              South Stand in time for the Six Nations,
                                                                              telling the story of a sport of which
                                                                              we continue to be immensely proud.
                                                                              The Museum was recently awarded
                                                                              full accreditation by the Arts Council
                                                                              England, which means it meets the
                                                                              same standards as venerable national
                                                                              institutions such as the British Museum
                                                                              and the Natural History Museum.

                                                                              As we reach the anniversary of the
                                                                              1918 Armistice we will conclude our
                                                                              commemoration of all rugby players
                                                                              who died in the First World War and the
                                                                              27 England players who gave their lives
                                                                              for our freedom.
                                                                              A hundred years later, it is important to
                                                                              remember what they stood for and the
                                                                              values that we hope the game continues
                                                                              to represent.

                                                                              So in summary, it has been both
                                                                              a challenging and rewarding
                                                                              year, but also a year where we
                                                                              invested significantly in the game
                                                                              and commenced plans to ensure
                                                                              our capability to continue to do
                                                                              so for many years to come.
               We restructured RFU Medical Services   The RFU continues to work
               to create an integrated medical function   constructively with World Rugby, Rugby   A picture of the future outlook is
               comprising: Clinical Services, Research,   Europe, the Six Nations, British & Irish   outlined on the next two pages.
               Player Welfare and Anti-Doping.     Lions, and European Professional Club
                                              Rugby to ensure the game is governed   Having informed the RFU Board that I
               Supported by the Professional Game   in an effective and impactful way, and   am standing down from my role and will
               Board, the Professional Rugby Injury   that decisions made are for the good of   leave the Union at the end of 2018, I am
               Surveillance Project, now aligned   the global game.           proud to have made my contribution to
               with the Community Rugby Injury                                the game I love, and am grateful for the
               Surveillance Project, has informed an   I was appointed to the Rugby World   support I have received along the way.  I
               injury risk action plan.       Cup Ltd Board and other representatives   am especially proud of the people who
                                              from the Union are also involved in   make up the Union, which is in good
               Anti-doping education and testing   supporting the world game, for example:    shape, with an excellent leadership team
               has been further extended into the                             in place.
               community game. The lowered height   RFU Rugby Development Director Steve
               tackle Law trial in the Championship   Grainger has, through World Rugby,   And I wish all our England teams,
               Cup competition and the innovative   been helping the Japan Rugby Union   coaches, and everyone involved with the
               salivary micro RNA study to help   with legacy plans for their hosting   game at all levels the very best for the
               identify concussed players are key   of the 2019 Rugby World Cup; and   future, which looks bright for the English
               concussion risk projects. The rollout   Council member and Rugby Europe   game.
               of Activate, an exercise based injury   Vice President Rob Udwin chairs
               prevention programme, continues the   the Rugby Europe Development and
               focus on evidence-based injury  Competitions Committee, working with
                prevention throughout the game.  countries across Europe to ensure the
                                              game continues to go from strength to

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