Page 31 - Unity Project
P. 31
Conclusion and lessons learned
Throughout the Unity Project there were opportunities to
share information between the nations and CBs they were
partnered with. There was also a chance for everyone
People are what matter – where the right people were It was also felt that the project timetable could have been to meet and share their experiences at the conference.
identified to lead on the project in the nations and CBs more flexible to take into account the different working However, feedback shows that people would have liked
the partnerships flourished. practices in the nations and CBs. However, it is important more opportunities to come together and learn from
to maintain a balance between flexibility and making sure each other. In the future this could be done in person
In seven out of the 15 projects there were changes in the project meets its objectives on time and on budget. or virtually, for example via an online forum.
key personal and in the feedback provided by project
participants it was suggested that in the future at least two Strong relationships are the foundation of a successful
people in each nation and CB should be identified to lead project – do not underestimate the importance of meeting
on the project so that if someone leaves this has less of an face to face and building relationships. It is these
impact on delivery. relationships that will make a project work and it is these
relationships that will ensure the legacy of the project.
It was also felt that people would have benefited from
more information and training on how to work in In fact, feedback shows that those involved in the project
partnership and also what was expected of individuals would have liked the scoping and inward visits to be
in their project roles. longer. Having longer visits would have given people more
time to learn about how rugby operated in each nation and
Flexibility is vital – people change, situations change, longer to work together on the development plans which
needs change. If you are unable or unwilling to be flexible were seen as the foundation of the partnerships.
then projects will fail. Where you adapt challenges can
be overcome and great results can be achieved. Sharing of knowledge and experiences is important – at the
beginning of the project the power of sharing information
In project feedback it was suggested that in future projects was underestimated. One of the most valuable outcomes
where multiple countries are involved that the budget is of the project has been the impact sharing knowledge has
flexible to take account of the varying travel costs and had on participants’ understanding of the different rugby
exchange rates. development methods.