Page 60 - RFU Annual Report 2018
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        1. General information              (b) Going concern                   The Rugby Football Foundation and
                                            In adopting the going concern basis for   RFU Injured Players’ Foundation
        The Rugby Football Union is a       preparing the financial statements, the   charities are consolidated into the
        registered society in England. The   Directors have considered the business   Group accounts on the basis that the
        Registered Office is Rugby House,   activities set out in the Strategic Report   RFU has control over these entities
        Twickenham Stadium, 200 Whitton     on pages 10 to 31 including the Group’s   through representation on their Boards
        Road, Twickenham, Middlesex,        principal risks and uncertainties. Based   of Trustees.
        TW2 7BA.                            on all this information, including
                                            the Group’s cash flow forecasts and   The RFU also has a 25% shareholding
        2. Accounting policies              projections, the Board is satisfied that   in British & Irish Lions Designated
                                            the Group will be able to operate within  Activity Company. Due to the
        (a) Statement of compliance and     the level of its bank facilities for the   Group’s inability to exercise
        basis of preparation                foreseeable future. For this reason, the   significant influence over the
        The financial statements have been   Group continues to adopt the going   Associate investment, and due to the
        prepared under the historical cost   concern basis in preparing its financial   immateriality of its net surpluses and
        basis, modified to include certain items   statements.                  net assets after the settlement of its
        at fair value, and in accordance with the                               contractual obligations, management
        Financial Reporting Standard 102 (FRS   (c) Basis of consolidation      do not believe that it is appropriate to
        102), the Financial Reporting Standard   The Group’s financial statements   equity account this investment.
        applicable in the United Kingdom    consolidate the results of the Company
        and the Republic of Ireland, and the   and its subsidiary undertakings   (d) Revenue
        Co-operative and Community Benefit   up to 30 June each year. The       Revenue represents amounts invoiced,
        Schemes Act (CCSB).                 results of subsidiary undertakings   excluding value added tax, in respect
                                            are consolidated from the date of   of the sale of goods and services
        The Group and Company have          acquisition to the date of disposal.  rendered. Revenue recognition policies
        determined that they meet the                                           for specific revenue streams are as
        definition to be classified as a public   The Group’s interests in subsidiary   follows:
        benefit under FRS 102 Section 34.   undertakings are fully consolidated line
                                            by line, with non-controlling interests’   Ticket revenue and the sale of
        The financial statements are prepared   share of earnings and retained earnings   hospitality packages are recognised
        in sterling, which is the functional   shown separately.                 when the relevant event is staged.
        currency of the Group, and round to
        the nearest £0.1m. In preparation of                                     Revenue determined by commercial
        the financial statements, the following                                  contracts, which makes up the
        accounting principles and policies have                                  majority of broadcasting revenue,
        been applied:                                                            sponsorship revenue and the leasing
                                                                                 of hospitality boxes, is recognised in
                                                                                 accordance with the terms and period
                                                                                 of the contract.

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