Page 62 - RFU Annual Report 2018
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        2. Accounting policies continued    At the end of each reporting period   These loans are accounted for as
                                            all tangible assets are assessed    concessionary items in accordance with
        (g) Intangible fixed assets and     for impairment by comparing the     section 34 of the public benefit entity
        amortisation                        carrying amount with the higher of the   guidance contained within FRS 102.
        Intangible assets relate to computer   recoverable amount or value in use.
        software, which are initially recognised   If the carrying amount exceeds these   (j) Investment property
        at cost. Following initial recognition,   amounts it is reduced with the amount   Investment property is initially
        intangible assets with finite useful lives   recognised in the Profit and Loss   measured at cost which is the purchase
        are carried at cost less accumulated   Account.                         price less any costs. Subsequently the
        amortisation and impairment losses.                                     properties are measured at fair value
        Amortisation is charged on a straight-   Artificial grass pitch (AGP)   at each reporting date with changes
        line basis over the estimated useful life   The Rugby Football Development   being recognised in the Profit and Loss
        as follows:                         Limited (RFDL) entity, a fully      Account. The Group has used previous
                                            consolidated subsidiary has developed   independent valuations and adjusted
        Computer software     3-5 years     a national facilities strategy to deliver   for the market conditions using an
                                            AGPs to the grassroots of the game.  independent source.
        At the end of each reporting period
        the intangible assets are assessed for   Under the AGP project, the RFU   (k) Investments in subsidiary and
        indication of impairment. If there is   leases sites from selected clubs for 30   associate undertakings
        an indicator, an impairment test is   years. RFDL builds and subsequently   Investments in subsidiary and
        performed comparing the carrying    manages pitches on these sites.     associate undertakings are held as
        value with the higher of the recoverable                                fixed assets and stated at cost, less
        amount or value in use with any excess   The pitches consist of two layers: the   provision for impairment, in the
        in the carrying amount being taken to   base layer which has a useful economic   stand-alone financial statements of the
        the Profit and Loss Account.        life of 30 years, and the top layer, which   Parent.
                                            has a useful economic life of 10 years.
        (h) Tangible fixed assets and       The layers of the pitches are capitalised   (l) Other investments
        depreciation                        as separate assets and depreciated   The investments are held for charitable
        Tangible assets are stated at cost less   using the straight line method over   purposes and are initially recognised
        accumulated depreciation and any    their respective economic lives.    at fair value. Subsequently the
        provision for impairment. Such costs                                    investments are measured at fair value
        include costs directly attributable to    Depreciation is charged from the   through Profit and Loss Account.
        bringing the asset into use. Borrowing   date that the asset is available for use.
        costs directly attributable to major   This is deemed to be when a practical   (m) Unlisted investments
        stadium work are capitalised as part of   completion handover document from   Unlisted investments are accounted for
        the asset.                          the supplier has been signed by RFDL.   at fair value through profit and loss.
                                            At this point the asset ceases to be an
        Depreciation commences when the     “asset in the course of construction”   (n) Stock
        asset is first brought into use and is   and is transferred to the asset class   Stock is held for resale and is initially
        provided to write off the cost of the   “land and buildings”.           valued at the lower of cost (first in,
        assets on a systematic basis over their                                 first out basis) and net realisable value
        estimated useful lives on a straight-   (i) Loans to clubs              (price less selling costs). At each
        line basis as follows:              Loans to clubs are recorded at cost in   reporting date the stock is impaired
                                            the Balance Sheet. They each have their   if its carrying value exceeds its net
        Land and buildings  10-50 years     own individual terms and conditions   realisable value with the loss being
                                            and are advanced to member clubs    recognised in the Profit and Loss
        Long-term leasehold over the period   by the Rugby Football Foundation,   Account.
        property           of the lease     and by the RFU under the RFU club
                                            improvement scheme.                 (o) Debtors
        Fixtures, fittings  3-40 years                                          Short-term debtors are recognised at
        and equipment                                                           the transaction price, less any provision
                                                                                for impairment.
        Assets held under   over the period
        finance leases       of the lease

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