Page 66 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 66



        4. Revenue

        Revenue is attributable to the activities as                        Group    Group    Parent   Parent
        a governing body of rugby in England.                                2018      2017    2018      2017
                                                                              £m        £m       £m       £m

        Rendering of services                                                163.2     177.3   127.9    159.7
        Grants                                                                 5.3      3.9      1.8      1.8
        Sale of goods                                                          2.3      3.4      0.7      2.9
        Rental income                                                         0.2       0.2      0.2      0.2
        Royalties                                                              1.4      0.1      1.6      0.3

                                                                             172.4    184.9    132.2    164.9

        5. Operating (loss)/profit                                          Group    Group    Parent   Parent
                                                                             2018      2017    2018      2017
                                                                              £m        £m       £m       £m
        Operating (loss)/profit is stated after charging:
        Board and Council - RFU administration costs                           0.5      0.6      0.5      0.6
                          - match related expenses                             0.8      0.9      0.8      0.9
        Depreciation of tangible fixed assets                                 16.1      15.3     14.7     14.2
        Amortisation of intangible fixed assets                                0.6       0.3     0.5      0.3
        Loss on disposal of tangible fixed assets                              0.3       0.2        -      0.2
        Loss on disposal of intangible fixed assets                             -        0.3       -      0.3
        Loss on impairment of tangible fixed assets                           0.2         -         -       -
        Loss on disposal of investment properties                             0.2         -      0.2        -
        Operating lease rentals                                               0.8       1.2      0.3      0.5
        Auditor’s remuneration – audit services                                0.1       0.1      0.1      0.1

                                                                                             2018       2017
        6. Board Directors’ remuneration                                                      £m          £m

        Emoluments and benefits in kind                                                       1.3         1.4

                                                                                              1.3         1.4

        The highest paid Director received remuneration of £0.4m (2017: £0.5m) during the year. The value of the Group’s
        contributions paid to a defined contribution pension scheme in respect of the highest paid Director amounted to £nil (2017:
        £nil). There are two Directors (2017: one) to whom retirement benefits are accruing under the defined contribution pension

        No Directors’ bonuses were awarded for the year ended 30 June 2018.

        The Remuneration Committee report provides greater detail on Directors’ pay and can be found on pages 42 and 43.

        The above figures are shown on an accruals basis. The figures published in the 2016/17 Annual Report were on a cash basis.

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