Page 44 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 44




              Membership of the Committee
               Name            Role                                      Member since  Meetings attended in year
               Dominic Proctor  Chair – Independent Non-Executive Board Member  2017  4 out of 4
               Andy Cosslett   Chairman of the Board                     2016         4 out of 4
               Malcom Caird    RFU Council Member                        2016         4 out of 4
               Chris Cuthbertson  RFU Council Member and Non-Executive Board Member  2014  3 out of 4
               Sean O’Hare*    Independent                               2013         2 out of 2
               Naomi Sutcliffe**  Independent                            2018         1 out of 1

               *Resigned December 2017
               **Appointed April 2018         The role and remit of the Remuneration   Activities of the Committee
                                              Committee is regularly monitored for   The Remuneration Committee held four
              Purpose of the Committee        its effectiveness and appropriateness   meetings during the year.
              The Committee is responsible    for the business, while the Terms of
              for determining and agreeing the   Reference are required to be reviewed by   The increased activity was as a result
              framework, policies and remuneration   the Committee at least every three years.    of significant recruitment decisions in
              packages for the Chief Executive Officer,                      relation to the CEO and CFO, for which
              Executive Directors and anyone whose   During the year, Sean O’Hare stood   the committee needed to consider
              salary exceeds £150,000 per annum.    down as the independent member of   remuneration matters. The principal
                                              the Committee.  An external search and   items covered at meetings were:
              This includes the England Men’s XV   selection process was conducted and   Approval of updates to the
              Head Coach position and certain   Naomi Sutcliffe joined the Committee in   Terms of Reference
              other Men’s XV coach positions and   April 2018.                 Annual pay review and bonus
              employees in subsidiary companies.                               payments for 2016/17
              The Committee also reviews annual   Naomi has strong experience of reward
              service fees for the Chairman of the   activities including remuneration   Bonus schemes for 2017/18
              Board and Non- Executive Directors.  committee work, governance and   Executive KPIs
                                              reporting requirements, remuneration
              One change was made to the Terms   strategy and policy and Executive pay   Annual Report disclosure
              of Reference this year specifically in   and benefits.           CEO remuneration
              order to provide increased visibility of   Naomi has worked in a variety of HR   CFO remuneration
              the Committee of the RFU’s financial   roles including time as the European
              performance and position, and   Head of HR at Willis Towers Watson.  Review of quarterly financial reports
              specifically any exceptional variances to                        Succession planning
              budget agreed by the Board of Directors.
              The Committee now achieves this by                               Annual review of Remco performance
              receiving the Union’s internal financial                         by members
              reports each quarter. This information                           Chairman’s annual report to the Board
              has always been available to Committee                           Ad hoc remuneration decisions
              members but its availability has
              now been formalised in the Terms of                              Executive bonus structure for 2018/19
                                                                             The Committee regularly receives
                                                                             assistance in considering Executive
                                                                             remuneration matters from members of
                                                                             senior management, including the HR
                                                                             Director and CEO. These individuals
                                                                             attend meetings by invitation during the
                                                                             year, while ensuring that no person was
                                                                             present during any discussions relating
                                                                             to their own remuneration.

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