Page 46 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 46
NOMINATIONS COMMITTEE: of the Board of Directors as well as other > Diversity
roles appointed by the Board, such The Board is committed to having
Following the introduction of the as international representatives and a diverse membership, and has
Code for Sports Governance, the RFU directors of subsidiary companies. committed to meet the target set in
has restructured the way in which the Code for Sports Governance of
its nominations and appointment Activities of the Committee having over 30% female representation
processes work. The new Rules, on the Board. Currently, four of the 14
approved by a Special General Meeting > International representatives Board members are female, meaning
of members on 24 November 2017, During the 2017/18 season, as a representation stands at 28.5%. Both
divide responsibility for making transitional measure, members of the Board Nominations Committee and
appointments between the Board and the Board Nominations Committee Council Nominations Committee make
the Council. These are set out below. worked with the Council Nominations recommendations for appointments
Included in these changes was the Committee to recommend appointment to the Board, and therefore both will
introduction of a Board Nominations for a third World Rugby Representative have a role to play in advancing an
Committee to work alongside the and a replacement for Jonathan Webb, inclusive environment which respects all
Council Nominations Committee. who stood down as one of the Six strands of diversity, including ethnicity,
Nations Representatives. Deborah disability and sexual orientation.
Membership of the Committee Griffin OBE was appointed as the third
The composition of the Board World Rugby representative and Jason In 2017, the Board approved a Diversity
Nominations Committee is as required Leonard OBE was appointed as Six and Inclusion Action Plan, which
in the Code for Sports Governance, save Nations Representative. included the formation of a working
that Sport England have agreed that it group made up of members of Council,
may be chaired by an Independent Non- > Joint working and succession other representatives of the game more
executive Director rather than the Chair planning broadly, and others not involved in
of the Board of Directors. It consists of a The Committees worked together with rugby union, to find ways to improve
majority of independent directors, but in the Council Nominations Committee to diversity within the governance of
order to provide day-to-day linkage with plan the succession of volunteers within rugby union. This encompasses both
the Council Nominations Committee, the RFU’s governance structure, both the central RFU structures such as the
the chair of that committee is also a in relation to the Board of Directors, Board and Council, and also the wider
member of the Board Nominations and also other significant roles such as governance of the game at grassroots
Committee. representatives to international bodies level. This group is chaired by
and members of key committees and Genevieve Glover, who stood down from
Name Role sub-committees, such as the Community her role as the independent member of
Dominic Proctor Chair - Independent Game Board. the Council Nominations Committee in
Non-Executive order to take this position.
Board Member The Board Nominations Committee
Andy Cosslett Chairman of the and Council Nominations Committee Other future work
Board meet together at least twice a year but In addition to further work on diversity
Genevieve Shore Independent Non- members also meet and speak on a more and inclusion, the committees will
Executive Board regular basis. This ensures that the be undertaking additional work in
Member work of the two committees is aligned, 2018/19 and beyond. The introduction
Simon Collyer- RFU Council and that the Council Nominations of term limits for Council members
Bristow Member (ex officio Committee’s knowledge of the skills will mean that succession planning by
both committees must be done over
and experience of the RFU’s volunteer
as chair of Council resource is understood by the Board a shorter period of time, and therefore
Committee) Nominations Committee. The two there is likely to be increased focus on
committees also share a secretariat to placing Council members in positions of
Purpose of the Committee ensure close alignment. responsibility earlier than has been the
The Committee is responsible for case previously.
making recommendations to the Board In 2017, the Council Nominations
for the appointment of the chair of the Committee commissioned an external The Council Nominations Committee
Board, the Independent Non-executive consultant to provide recommendations is also examining ways of providing
Directors, the chairs of the Community to improve succession planning feedback on the performance of Council
Game Board and the Governance and wider development of Council members to those who elect them.
Standing Committee and the Senior members. These proposals will be presented to the
Representative on the Professional Council in due course.
Game Board, who will also be a member These recommendations will begin to be
implemented during the 2018/19 season.