Page 45 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 45
Remuneration decisions Total remuneration for each of the Non- The new scheme based on the overall
Total remuneration (including salary, Executive Directors on the Board was: RFU financial performance combined
car allowance, benefits in kind, pension with an individual performance element.
contributions and bonus) paid to the 2018 2017 KPIs are derived directly from the
Executive Officers on the Board during £000 £000 published Strategic Plan and are aligned
the financial year was: Bill Beaumont with the RFU’s strategic priorities of
(Resigned Protect, Engage, Grow and Win.
2018 2017 October 2016) 0 20 All Executive team members are on the
£000 £000 same bonus scheme and there are no
Jeff Blackett * 25 17 Long Term Incentive Plans.
Steve Brown 395 377 Rob Briers 25 17
Simon Massie-Taylor Andy Cosslett 80 66 The Committee discussed the payment
(joined September 2016) 244 231 Chris Cuthbertson 25 17 of Executive bonuses for 2017/18 and,
Sue Day Deborah Griffin 25 17 although Executives had individually
(joined March 2018) 72 0 Stephen Pearson * achieved many of the targets set
Ian Ritchie (Appointed for them and therefore qualified
for a proportion of their bonus, the
(resigned August 2017) 238 523 August 2017) 23 0 Committee concluded that it was
Dominic Proctor 30 28 inappropriate to pay any Executive
949 1,131 Genevieve Shore bonuses given the redundancy
(Appointed programme that was underway. This
These figures include bonus payments September 2017) 19 0 decision was finalised outside the
on an accruals basis; 2017 figures Jonathan Webb 25 17 period covered by this report (in the
published in the 2016/17 Annual Reports Helen Weir 30 33 Remuneration Committee meeting of
were on a cash basis. July 2018).
Malcolm Wharton 25 23
Neither the Directors’ bonus scheme nor 332 258 Gender pay reporting
the All Employee bonus scheme paid The RFU published its Gender Pay
out in respect of the 2017/18 financial *donated to charity at source Reporting Statistics in line with
year. Government legislation in March 2018.
Pay decisions In our Strategic Plan we committed
The Remuneration Committee reviewed to the diversity and inclusion agenda
the structure of the Executive Bonus and this is an enabler to our business
scheme for the first time in four years priorities and strategic ambition. The
and a new Executive bonus scheme was Gender Pay Report can be found at the
introduced for the 2017/18 financial year. following link:
The scheme was amended to ensure it
supported the new Strategic Plan that
was launched for 2017/18 year and also
to improve the alignment between the
Executive bonus structure and the All
Employee bonus scheme.