Page 50 - RFU Annual Report 2018
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              INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S           Under this policy, the directors are   Materiality is used so we can plan and
              REPORT TO THE MEMBERS OF        required to recognise deferred tax assets   perform our audit to obtain reasonable,
                                                                             rather than absolute, assurance about
                                              on the balance sheet only to the extent
              THE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION        that it is considered probable that the   whether the financial statements are
              (CONTINUED)                     assets will be recovered. The directors   free from material misstatement. The
                                              exercise judgement in applying this   level of materiality we set is based on
                The Professional Game Agreement   policy, as set out in note 3 - Judgements   our assessment of the magnitude of
                with Premiership Rugby Limited   in applying accounting policies and   misstatements that individually or in
                (PRL), details of which are set out   key sources of estimation uncertainty   aggregate, could reasonably be expected
                in note 3 - Judgements in applying   – Deferred taxation asset on page 63,   to have influence on the economic
                accounting policies and key sources of   relating principally to the determination   decisions the users of the financial
                estimation uncertainty – Professional   of the period over which to project   statements may take based on the
                Game Agreement on page 62. The   recovery of the assets and to the   information included in the financial
                eight year agreement requires the   assumptions underlying the projected   statements.
                Group to make payments to PRL that   recovery. We therefore consider the
                are determined on an annual basis   recognition and valuation of deferred tax   We established materiality based on the
                dependent upon the achievement   assets to be a key audit matter.   Group’s and Parent’s cash generated
                of domestic and international rugby                          for investment in Rugby being one of
                related objectives, and on the financial   Based on projections extending to 15   the key performance indicators of the
                performance of the RFU.       years, the Rugby Football Union has   Rugby Football Union. We determined
                                              recognised deferred tax assets of £7m   materiality for the consolidated financial
              Our response:                   on the Group balance sheet (Parent   statements as a whole to be £3.2m and
                                              entity: £6.4m) at the year end, and has   materiality for the Parent to be £2.0m,
              Through discussion with the     unrecognised deferred tax assets of   representing approximately 3 per cent of
              management team and review of   £4.9m (Parent entity: £4.9m).   cash generated for investment in Rugby.
              the Group risk register, we identified
              arrangements that could be considered   Our response:          Performance materiality is set to
              to be complex, the accounting for which                        reduce to an appropriately low level
              could require significant judgement.  Our audit procedures over the   the probability that the aggregate
                                              recognition and valuation of deferred tax   of uncorrected and undetected
              For identified complex arrangements   assets included, but were not limited to:  misstatements in the financial
              including those discussed above within                         statements exceeds materiality for the
              the description of the key audit matter,   Considering the appropriateness   financial statements as a whole. On
              we:                               of the use of a 15 year period over   the basis of our overall risk and control
                                                which to project the recovery of the   environment assessment, our judgement
                obtained & reviewed the contractual   deferred tax asset in light of our   was that performance materiality is set
                documentation;                  understanding and assessment of the   at 75 per cent of our planning materiality,
                                                level of predictability in the ongoing   which is £2.4m for the Group and £1.4m
                reviewed management accounting   business and of the nature and timing   for the Parent.
                papers documenting the nature of   of potential future major capital
                the judgement and the conclusions   spending decisions; and  We agreed with the Audit Committee
                reached;                                                     that we would report to that committee
                                                assessing the assumptions    all identified corrected and uncorrected
                assessed the adopted accounting   underlying the projection, including   audit differences in excess of £0.1m
                treatment and financial statement   the availability and use of capital   (representing 3 per cent of financial
                disclosures by reference to accounting   allowances and the ongoing capital   statement materiality) together with
                requirements and stated accounting   expenditure, and assessing the   differences below that threshold that,
                policies.                       consistency of the projections with the   in our view, warranted reporting on
                                                longer term business plans.    qualitative grounds.
              Our findings:
                                              Our findings:                  Audit work at component locations
              Based on our audit procedures,                                 for the purpose of obtaining audit
              the identified complex contractual   Based on our audit procedures, we   coverage over significant financial
              arrangements have been accounted for   consider that reasonable judgement has   statement accounts is undertaken based
              appropriately.                  been exercised in determining the level   on a percentage of total performance
                                              of deferred tax asset recognised as at 30   materiality. The performance materiality
              Recognition and valuation of deferred   June 2018.             set for each component is based on the
              tax assets                                                     relative scale and risk of the component
                                              Our application of materiality  to the Group as a whole and our
              Key audit matter                                               assessment of the risk of misstatement
                                              We apply the concept of materiality   at component level. In the current
              The accounting policy for the   both in planning and performing our   period, the range of performance
              recognition of deferred tax assets is set   audit, and in evaluating the effect   materiality allocated to components was
              out in note 2 (f) on page 59.    of misstatements on the financial   £0.5m to £1.1m.
                                              statements and our audit.       

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