Page 73 - RFU Annual Report 2018
P. 73

                                                                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS


        15. Investments continued

                                                       Subsidiary    loans to Group        Other
        Parent                                      undertakings      undertakings   investments       Total
                                                             £m                £m            £m          £m
        Cost or valuation

        At 1 July 2017                                       88.0              9.9            0.1      98.0
        Additions                                            33.2              0.9             -        34.1
        Disposals                                               -              (1.0)           -        (1.0)
        Impairment                                          (0.2)              (1.3)           -        (1.5)

    30June2018                                              121.0               8.5           0.1      129.6

        Details of the investments in which the Parent company hold 17% or more of the nominal value of any class of share capital
        are as follows:                        Country of   % holding
                                               incorporation  of shares  Status      Year end Principal activities
         Rugby House, 200 Whitton Road, Twickenham, TW2 7BA
         1)  Twickenham Experience Limited     Great Britain   60%    Subsidiary     30 June  Hospitality services
         2)   England Rugby Limited^           Great Britain   100%   Subsidiary     30 June  Elite rugby
         3)   England Rugby Travel Limited     Great Britain  51%     Subsidiary     30 June  Sports travel agency
         4)  Rugby Reflink Limited             Great Britain   60%    Subsidiary     30 June  Radio equipment
         5)  Rugby Football Foundation         Great Britain  n/a*    Quasi-subsidiary  30 June  Community rugby
         6)  Rugby Football Development Limited  Great Britain   100%  Subsidiary    30 June  Community rugby
         7)  RFU Hotel Limited                 Great Britain  100%    Subsidiary     30 June  Hospitality services
         8)  RFU Health and Leisure Limited    Great Britain  100%    Subsidiary     30 June  Health club
         9)  RFU Injured Players Foundation Limited  Great Britain  n/a*  Subsidiary  30 June  Player welfare
        10)  Injured Players Foundation Trading  Great Britain  100%  Subsidiary     30 June  Player welfare
        11)  Rugby Football Foundation Trading Limited^ Great Britain  100%  Subsidiary  30 June  Community rugby
        12)  Great Britain Rugby Sevens Limited  Great Britain   33%  Joint Venture  30 June  Operation of Olympic
        1st Floor, Simmonscourt House, Simmonscourt Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland     Games Sevens rugby team
        13)  British & Irish Lions DAC         Rep of Ireland  25%**  Associate      30 June  Overseas rugby tours
        14)  Six Nations Rugby Limited         Rep of Ireland  17%***  Investment    31 August Competition management
        1st Floor, Goldie House, 1-4 Goldie Terrace, Upper Church Street, Douglas, IM1 1EB, Isle of Man
        15)  Rugby Sure Limited                Isle of Man  100%      Quasi-subsidiary  30 June  Insurance
        The Corporation Trust Company, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wilmington, New Castle, Delaware, 19801, USA
        16)  Rugby Football Union USA          USA          100%      Subsidiary     30 June  Holding company

        In addition to the shareholding above, the Parent company is one of nine members of European Professional Club Rugby, a
        Swiss association whose principal activity is managing the relevant European club competitions.

        *As charities, neither Rugby Football Foundation nor RFU Injured Players Foundation have share capital. The Rugby Football
        Union has control of these entities through representation on their Board of Trustees and they are therefore considered to be

        **Due to the Group’s inability to exercise significant influence over the investee and the immateriality of its net surplus and
        net assets after the settlement of its contractual obligations, the Directors have not equity accounted this investment.

        ***Six Nations Rugby Limited’s share capital is beneficially owned by Six Nations Council. Six Nations Council is an
        unincorporated members’ association formed by The Rugby Football Union, the Irish Rugby Football Union Limited, the
        Welsh Rugby Football Union Limited, the Scottish Rugby Union plc, La Federation Francaise de Rugby and La Federazione
        Italiana Rugby. The company operates as an agent on behalf of the Council and the Member Unions.

        ^Entities are dormant and exempt from filing accounts.
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